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Leadership Webinars and Coaching

Coming July 29, 2021 to a computer near you
Embracing Change as an Adventure

Use registration form below

The Team


The Rev. Heather Barta is a priest in the Episcopal Church.  She spends a lot of time connecting people to each other and to resources and creating opportunities for those connections to grow into networks of support.  She loves to teach about leadership, adaptive change, and how we can bring the Kingdom of God to our here and now.  As a coach, she is passionate about helping individuals and groups to be effective leaders in their lives, growing into the people that God is calling them to be. She imagines a world where every leader has a coach to help them be confident, self-differentiated, and focused to bring about the changes that are so needed for a kind and peaceful world.  





Dr. Nancy Foster is a trainer, church leader, and retired educator. She has worked within education and the church to identify the skills and knowledge needed to bring necessary change and vision to an organization in order to continue to be relevant in a world that is unlike anything we have experienced before. As a coach she partners with individuals and groups to find pathways to opportunities never thought possible. She also leads them in identifying the actions that will allow them to realize their desired potential. 


As a team they bring their experience as trainers and the perspectives of different roles within the church.  They have been training leaders for over 6 years and bring not only their own knowledge but that of other experts on leading during a time of great change.  

Webinar and Coaching Opportunities

Use registration below to schedule 

Conflict is part of human relationship and community. This Workshop will help you better understand conflict and how good conflict management can develop deeper relationships and more resilient communities.  This Workshop is perfect for those who would rather avoid conflict or for those who are looking for additional skills in managing conflict.

Topics of this Workshop include
- The basic definitions of conflict (and styles of dealing with conflict)
- How conflict gets out of control (levels of conflict)
- The gifts of conflict
- Some strategies to manage yourself (and invite others along) so that conflict results in higher levels of trust and stronger relationships.


For $25, you receive:

  •  Access to the event 

  • Copies of any resources that are presented (including presentation slides) 

  • Free coaching consultation with either Heather or Nancy 


Making Friends with Conflict Part 1

Making Friends with Conflict Part 2

Coming Soon


Conflict can be beneficial to any organization.


$25 per participant



Embracing Change as an Adventure 

 July 29, 2021

7-8:30 pm EST


There is a well known quote that the only two things that you can rely on in life are death and taxes.  We would suggest that one more area we can count on is change.  Change is often feared and despised, but at times it can be exciting and motivating.  The process of change has been studied and written about in business and industry, but the church has been somewhat more reluctant to change.  Experts tell us about the models of change and give us some steps for planned change to make it more inclusive and successful.  When communication and planning for change are done correctly, it can minimize many of the stressors and conflicts associated with change.  During this webinar, you will learn about the models and processes for change and the tools that can be utilized to approach change with less stress and more anticipation.  Join us as we learn how to plan for the adventure of making meaningful and necessary change in our parishes. 


For $25, you receive:
- Access to the event 
- Copies of any resources that are presented (including presentation slides) 
- A free coaching consultation with either Heather or Nancy 


Individual Coaching allows for a person to have 1-on-1 conversation with a coach. The session focuses on the leader's needs, plans and goals.  This format is ideal for leaders who are very focused on personal growth and development and need time to process their challentes and develop their plans.


Leaders that might appreciate individual coaching: Senior wardens, Vestry Members, Church Staff Members, Clergy, Committee Chairs. 


$75/session; $425/6 session package

Individual Coaching

Group coaching is set up for people with something in common but  aren't working together on the same project.  Several individuals (3-5) gather with the coach to take turns exploring their individual needs, plans and goals.  The other participants are able to hear the coaching and learn from that experience.  This format is ideal for leaders who are looking to create plans and goals, and also hope to connect with other leaders who have similar challenges. 


Leaders that might appreciate group coaching are those who share a role such as Senior Wardens, Vestry Members, Church Staff Members, Deacons, Priests, Chairs of Diocesan Standing Committee, chairs of Diocesan Commissions on Ministry



$240 /person/6 session package


Group Coaching

Team Coaching focuses on a whole team of people and the work that they are trying to do together. This group of people comes together because they have a common goal and mission or they are trying to define that common goal or mission. Sometimes the people aren't yet functioning as a team and want to learn how to be a better team and sometimes the team wants to take their ministry to the next level of efficiency.


Teams that might appreciate coaching: Vestries, Church Staffs, Camp and conference Staffs, Parish Committees, Diocesan Commissions on Ministries. 


$200 /2 hour session

Team Coaching

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